Program Overview

Program Preview

Program Application

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Participate in three online professional learning courses on the use of authentic American materials.


Join an online community of practice and exchange with American language teachers.


Learn to use AI prompts to identify, adapt, and use authentic American materials in your teaching.
November 19 – December 27

Integrating Culture, Content, and Language in Your Language Lessons

Language classes can and should educate students in the target language culture while giving them opportunities to reinforce and expand knowledge in other content areas. This course will demonstrate for teachers how to integrate American culture, democracy, media literacy, and other topics into their English language class by using themes, authentic resources, and appropriate learning activities.

February 4 – March 14 

Identifying, Adapting, and Using Age-Appropriate Authentic Resources

For students to experience—and use—language as native speakers use it, teachers must offer them access to authentic resources. This course will support teachers in finding appropriate audio, video, and written material and how to tailor assignments to enable students at a particular level of language proficiency to engage with and learn from the materials. 

April 1 – May 8

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and Your Language Curriculum

This course will introduce teachers to selected SDGs and provide opportunities to consider how they can be integrated into a language curriculum. In this joint course, Russia-based and U.S.-based participating teachers will work with counterparts in the other country to find authentic target language resources supporting the SDG of their choice. 

Thank you for your interest in the Connecting Classrooms.

Please note that this program is designed for current Russian based English teachers and US-based Russian teachers! 



About Connecting Classrooms

Connecting Classroom is a professional learning program for teachers of English in Russia and teachers of Russian in the USA. Through a series of online courses participants will gain foundational knowledge around key concepts as participants view presentations and interpret meaning for their educational settings. Facilitated through PEARLL’s course platform, synchronous learning include recorded and live video presentations, whole-group and small-group activities, chat discussions, and breakout sessions. Asynchronous learning will ask participants to explore resources that support the synchronous content, post reflections, and respond to discussion questions based on their professional goals.

 Program Information 

What is the overall goal of this program?

Connecting Classrooms will provide a professional development experience for 70 teachers in both Russia and the United States. 

Module 1 and 2 will focus primarily on English educators in Russia, but American educators are also encouraged to participate. Educators enrolled in the program will learn how to include the use of authentic American resources in their English classes, how to integrate culture, content, and language curriculum. Module 3 will incorporate all educators from both Russia and the United States as they explore a common topic of interest through joint learning opportunities.

How much does this program cost?

This program is provided at no cost to participants.


I currently teach a language other than English or Russian. Am I eligible to apply?

No, Connecting Classrooms will provide a professional development experience for 30-35 Russian-based teachers of English and U.S.-based teachers of Russian ONLY. Unfortunately, teachers of other languages are not eligible to participate.

I am an experienced English teacher from Russia, but I currently teach outside of Russia. Am I eligible to apply?

Yes, you can apply.

 Application Process

How do I apply?

Complete the Connecting Classroom application form that can be accessed on the Applications page. Your responses will be automatically recorded and can be edited at any time before you hit the “submit” button.

What is involved in the application process?

The initial application solicits information on your teaching background . This is all submitted through the online application form. Qualified applicants will participate in an online interview to determine their level of commitment and to gain an understanding of their current level of expertise as they enter the program.

What is the application deadline?

We are accepting 2024 Cohort 2 applications for Russian-based English teachers until September 13. US-based Russian teacher applications will be accepted until January 2025.

Do I need to schedule an interview?

No, if your application meets all requirements and is selected, we will contact you via email to schedule an interview. All interviews will take place via Zoom.

How many participants will be selected?

Enrollment is limited to 35 educators per Cohort to allow participants to form a community invested in sharing expertise with others. The enrollment limit also creates an instructor-to-participant ratio that supports a coaching environment that is responsive to individual participant needs.

 Online Courses

What courses are part of the program?

МОДУЛЬ 1 (November 19 - December 27)
Integrating Culture, Content, and Language in Language Lessons

МОДУЛЬ 2 (February 4 - March 14)
Identifying, Adapting, and Using Age-Appropriate Authentic Resources

МОДУЛЬ 3 (April 1 - May 8)
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Your Language Curriculum
This is a joint course with US based teachers of Russian.

Do I have to complete all three modules or can I just take one module?

Russian-based English teacher participants are required to to complete all three modules. Participation is very limited so be sure that you are able to commit professional learning time for the duration of the program (November 2024 - May 2025).

US-based Russian teacher participants are only required to participate in Module 3 (April 1 - May 8, 2025), but encouraged to join the entire program (Modules 1 & 2). 

How much time is involved in each course?

Each course provides approximately 15 hours of professional learning. You might find yourself spending more time in a particular course as you try to apply new concepts to your own work.

Will I be able to access the course content once the program is over?

Yes, all course materials will remain available to all participants.

Are the course offered synchronously or asychronously?

Each course has both elements. The majority of the learning activities will take place asynchronously. You will watch pre-recorded videos, interact with online resources, and complete checks for learning and application tasks. Each course also includes at least two synchronous meetings via Zoom. 
Connecting Classrooms is a project  funded by the United States Department of State and was created by the National Foreign Language Center in collaboration with RELO, the Regional English Language Office.
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